The Daily What
Wholesome moments of men exhibiting non-toxic masculinity | library haunter @SketchesbyBoze "Guys don't express their feelings because showing love is sissies look buddy, if Aragorn son Arathorn, heir throne Gondor can tenderly kiss Boromir on head, then 's stopping being affectionate? | suga.mp4 @sugarsiah lil sister wanna be nail tech or sum shit like and she asked if she could practice on .not gon on lie feel like bad bitch PICKUS

Wholesome & Funny Moments Of Dudes Doing Good

No toxic masculinity here.
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Funny random Tumblr posts | tilthat TIL 2002 researcher found average 8-year-old British child could identify 80 Pokémon, but only 50 common wildlife species via sirobvious Common wildlife species don't normally yell their names at

Eighteen Tumblr Posts Chock-Full Of Clever Humor

Tumblr never fails to make us laugh.
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Story about solving a school project with as low effort as possible | Posted by u/saltyhotwing 23 hours ago just has roll? Got Back seventh grade had an assignment where had make cars out limited materials only items were allowed use were: 6 inches wire Unlimited printer paper Unlimited glue

Wholesome School Project Solution Is Lazy Genius

It's not stupid if it works.
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Funny memes, academic memes, theory memes | clueless Kant lived life celibacy and died before cars were invented e virgin who can't drive. | class Can stay discussion with second Let's go deeper on this Building on this point Let know if getting if other way around reminds want X's point unpack bullets

Academic Memes Full Of Scholarly Humor

For the smarties.
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Tumblr thread explains why some places just feel plain bizarre | tootsie-roll-frankenstein Places where reality is bit altered any target churches texas abandoned 7/11's bedroom at 5 am hospitals at midnight warehouses smell like dust lighthouses with lights don't work anymore empty parking lots ponds and lakes suburban neighborhoods rooftops early morning inside dark cabinet reveille413 playgrounds at night rest stops on highways deep mountains

Tumblr Thread: Why Some Places Feel Strange

Liminal spaces are a trip.
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history tumblr Professors ridiculous dangerous funny tumblr school university funny - 11350533

Dudes Avoid Chaotic Evil With Skimpy Outfits And Love

Love conquers all.
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Top Ten Advice Animals Of The Week (June 2, 2020)

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top ten 10 mad lads of the week | Guy lives next airport. painted this on roof confuse WELCOME CLEVELAND passengers as they fly overhead. He lives Milwaukee.

Ten Mad Lads Who Can't Be Contained (June 2, 2020)

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top ten 10 rare insults of the week | 1 Award T hope drop soap and find too slippery so have dig with nail pick up. 938 Reply 3h Calm down Satan 1 281 T

Ten Rare Insults You Don't See Everyday (June 2, 2020)

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top ten 10 wholesome memes weekly | Hard swallow pills come long way since parts life were toxic don't have hate yourself anymore s okay be happy!

Top Ten Wholesome Memes Of The Week (June 2, 2020)

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A soldier accidentally microwaves Chef Boyardee on an active military base | r/tifu Join u/RoemerRanch 1y 1 TIFU by microwaving chef boyardee on an active military base As with most things this happened last week currently deployed middle east got off work little later than expected and missed galley hours so stopped at mini mart on base grab some food. They have decent selection mostly just typical gas station food. So some guys grab cold

Soldier's Microwave Mishap Creates Chaos

A solid brain fart.
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Employee talks to food while boss and coworkers overhear | O r/tifu Posted by u/I_Ate_That_Food 4 days ago 2 3 F2 S TIFU by forgetting wasn't muted during Zoom meeting ate my lunch, causing irreversible harm my reputation talk my food eat have been working home recently (obviously and am pretty fortunate because basically there is no function my job need be office But have let some bad habits seep .

Company Overhears Employee Roleplaying with Lunch

That's gonna be an oops.
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Woman tries to ruin an employee's career, so they go after everything | r/ProRevenge Join u/[deleted 1y want mess with my career and my freedom? Watch entire life go down flames! Obligatory LTL; FTP. Added edits addressing naysayers at bottom posted this story elsewhere and someone suggested would fit here. TL;DR at bottom. Sorry advance any formatting or grammatical errors. English is not my first language.

Woman Tries To Ruin Employee's Career, Pro Revenge Ensues

They messed with the wrong dude.
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Funny random memes | balloon filled with water My bladder as soon as am bad situation where can't go toilet | Showed this my dad an he just didn't get e Del Monte mandarins juice 298g MIL Grion MILK atic sbury's Carmation esperat sbury's evaporated milk y Sainsbury's

Thirty-Nine Low-Quality (Yet Funny) Memes

We promise you won't regret scrolling!
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Funny random memes, relatable memes, dank memes, stupid memes, funny memes, spongebob memes, dank memes | Flies entering my house: Flies trying leave my house: Mr. Krabs Front door is missing! SWAT team Spongebob | Cats are not as loyal as dogs but at least don't tell police where drugs are

50 Quality Memes To Improve Your Mood

A smorgasbord of comedy.
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ominous and scary warning signs | STOP Extreme Heat Danger Walking after 10 AM not recommended HEAVTRIORERORRUBOteReA. Si sconsiglia fortemente di uscire dopo le 10 am Das Wandern spaeter als 10 Uhr morgens ist nicht zu empfehlen Uwaga. Chodeenie po 10 rano jest hardro niebespiecane est deconsel de marcher apres 10 h du matin No se recomienda realizar caminatas despue de las 10.00 .m | Ts better correct an unsafe friend than bury one.

Terrifying Signs that make their Message Clear

Pay attention to signs.
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