The Daily What
bunch of random and cool infographics guides that are full of interesting information | Packaged goods - MOST TART PACIFIC ROSE GRANNY SMITH EMPIRE MCINTOSH JAZZ BRAEBURN LADY CORTLAND ENVY AUTUMN GLORY MACOUN OPAL SUGARBEE SMITTEN GOLD RED JONAGOLD SNAPDRAGON HONEYCRISP DELICIOUS DELICIOUS MOST SWEET FUJI JUICI AMBROSIA GALA trashboat great graphic, very helpful selecting apples regard baking, but one amendment should be considered red delicious isn't an apple 's wet clump bitter sand

Daily Top Ten Infographics Guides (December 17, 2019)

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Askreddit stories of times a room shifted from good to bad | cover image of story of employees that arrived at work on holiday when managers could be off and found the door locked and were told they could go home if no one opened the door for them by 8:00 am and someone a manager showed up to unlock the doors at 7:55 AM and everyone still had to stay and work for the day.

Instances People Saw a Vibe Go from Good to Horrible

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list of funny memes and tweets | When you want a midnight snack but your parents are in the kitchen getting divorced

A Dump Of 32 Memes And Tweets

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list of random memes and tweets | Text - I don't understand why my friends ask me for relationship advice. If I knew what I was doing I wouldn't be sleeping next to my unfolded laundry.

Assortment Of 33 Memes So You Won't Be Bored

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simply the best memes from all around the internet all in one place for you to enjoy from the comfort of your home or office. The cover photo is of a meme comparing the idea of "winning" a battle in a game, but in the next cutscene you lose anyways.

Show Me Your Memes

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collection of funny memes and tweets | Text - Smokey Loves Weed @420iloveweed Holiday Rules: 1. Do not go into debt trying to show people you love them 2. Do not go home to see family if it damages your mental health 3. If someone comments on your weight, eat them

Cluster Of 24 Random Memes And Tweets

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list of funny memes, tweets and tumblr posts  | Text - unclefather: unclefather: at my funeral there is going to be a closed casket and then it will be opened to reveal that i am not inside. instead, they will turn on the ceiling fan and my lifeless body will swing around the room while the space jam theme song is playing in the background. nevermind, my mom says i can't do that. 279,642 notes

32 Super Funny Memes To Keep You On Your Toes

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Perfect Gramma

Cheezburger Image 9408167168
via Know Your Meme | We Have Food At Home
list of funny memes and tweets | Text - sugaricingcookies: studyable: Did you know? Type O Blood was actually meant to be Type Zero blood, due to the lack of glycoproteins in the red blood cells. It was misread and is now called Type "O" blood. I guess you could call it a typo. I'm going to throw a cake at your head Source: studyable 65,101 notes

50 Memes For Those That Need A Distraction

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What would happen if the planets were as close to the Earth as the Moon? The cover photo is Jupiter if it was as close as the Moon is to the Earth

What Would it Look Like if the Planets of the Solar System Were as Close as the Moon

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funny memes, dank memes, random memes, twitter, funny tweets, relatable, funny pics, random pics

Your Necessary Dosage Of Forty-Four Memes

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funny memes, dank memes, random memes, twitter, funny tweets, relatable, funny pics, random pics

Forty-Four Memes You Might Learn something From

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best memes of the week from all over the internet in one place for you to enjoy

Memes Are Life Just Ask The Internet

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Cheezburger Image 10007045

You Get Some Memes, You Get Some Memes, Everyone Gets Some Memes

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top ten 10 mad lads | TV REPORT 18 September 2014at &15pm Man who hid fake moustache under water valve waits five months finish terrible pun Imgur Ryan Kramer man who found fake moustache hidden underneath water valve his house later discovered his housemate had been planning an excruciatingly long-term dad-joke Five months ago, my roommate John moved out Reddit user Ryan Kramer explained T haven't been his room since then, however this week, behind tiny door accesses water valve found little su

Top Ten Mad Lads Of The Week (December 16, 2019)

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the funniest memes around from all over, put in one place for you to make the most of during your day. The cover image is of an inside joke for Lego enthusiasts about the rarity of purple Legos, and a comparison of Elon Musk's wealth to such a collection.

Walking in a Meme Wonderland

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