The Daily What
stupid lies people told

18 People Share The Biggest Load Of BS They've Ever Been Told

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passing notes in school

17 People Share Their Best Read The Notes To The Class Stories

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revenge on a annoying coworker

Guy Gets Revenge On Insufferably Annoying Coworker

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People Share the Absurd Things Coworkers Have Shared With Them

15 People Share the Absurd Things Coworkers Have Shared With Them

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photoshop revenge

Guy Edits His Girlfriend's Forehead Size On Pictures In Hilariously Petty Revenge

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life hacks

30 Life Hacks That Could Turn Your Day Around Instantly

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people describe why their ex is a crazy ex

16 People Describe How Their Crazy Ex Earned That Title

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People Share The Worst Texts They Ever Accidentally Sent

15 People Share The Worst Texts They Ever Accidentally Sent

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things that kids are scared of

31 Minor Things That Used To Terrify People When They Were Children

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gamestop employee revenge story

Gamestop Employee Goes Full Power-Tripping Manager Mode In Petty Revenge Story

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funny harry potter twists

17 Creative Fans Share The Crazy Plot Twists They'd Add To Harry Potter With JK Rowling's Twitter Account

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Stupidest Ways People Hurt Themselves

15 of the Stupidest Ways People Hurt Themselves

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job interview weaknesses

17 Good Weaknesses To Actually Mention In Job Interviews

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12 facts that will make you feel really old

12 Facts That Will Make You Feel Ancient

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People share the most unethical things their bosses have ever asked of them.

25 Of The Most Unethical Things Bosses Ever Asked Of Their Employees

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embarrassing things kids do

11 Of The Most Embarrassing Things Kids Did That They Thought Were Cool

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