The Daily What
funny dad tweets to his daughters

This Father Tweets His Conversations With His 4 Daughters And It's Hilarious

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meme of loki I've never met this man in my life

This Trending Loki Meme Is Being Used To Portray Total Obliviousness

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Woman asks the people of Reddit if she was wrong for being furious that her sister ruined her surprise proposal.

Woman Spoils Sister's Surprise Proposal On Snapchat

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Caturday Cat memes

These Cat Memes Are All You Need On Caturday

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web comics about taking the cat to the veterinarian

When You Take Your Uncooperative Cat To The Vet...

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new photos of mars from the curiosity rover

NASA's Incredible New Photos of Mars

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classical art memes made from old painting of angry man pointing at his hand

'Angry Man Pointing' Memes Are The Newest Thing Demonstrating How WTF Classical Art Is

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jo38ma3 - 9539589

Winners for the Best Wildlife Photos of the Year

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The best memes from all over the internet, all in one place for you to sit back relax and enjoy

Memes of the Week October 20th to 26th

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eleven gifs to get you through the middle of the week

Eleven Priceless GIFs To Get You Through The Mid-Week Slump

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Wholesome memes, posts and news headlines about animals, dogs, cats, friendship, relationships, dating, family.

40+ Wholesome Memes And Posts That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity

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Cutest cats according to breed

Top Ten Cutest Cat Breeds

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starter pack thread about welcome to the midwest which nails the stereotypes of the region

25 Midwestern Tweets That'll Make You Want To Down A Bottle Of Ranch

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Beluga whale photobombs a wedding at an Aquarium in best photobomb in history

A Beluga Whale Interrupted This Aquarium Wedding With the Best Photobomb Ever

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cat memes for a big feline mood you might be in right now

Animals Can Express Our Current Mood In The Most Accurate Way

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top twenty winning photos from Nikon's Small World microscope photography competition

Top Twenty Photos From Nikon's Microscope Photography Competition

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