The Daily What
uber work technology Video - 310279

Where Are They Now: The Guy Behind AOL's Iconic Voice Might Just Be Your Uber Driver

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Cheezburger Image 1115141

Two-Headed Sharks Are on the Rise, and of Course the Internet Can't Even Handle It Right Now

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youtube world record rubiks cube Video - 83472641

World Record of the Day: Man Solves Rubik's Cube in Under Five Seconds, Makes Us Self-Conscious About Our Hands

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youtube Video nintendo - 83471105

Unboxing of the Day: Nintendo's NES Classic is a Little System That's Playing With Serious Power

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donald trump john oliver political pictures Video politics - 83470593

John Oliver Is Here to Confess and Admit That Yes, He Is the One Responsible for Donald Trump

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Cheezburger Image 1114373

Song of the Day: "One Day More" from Les Mis Sings Our Excitement for November 9

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late night donald trump Hillary Clinton TV SNL election - 83469569

Binge Watch of the Day: SNL says “Goodbye” to Election 2016 and the Best Late Night TV of the 2016 Election

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dave chappelle TV comedy SNL - 1111301

Reason to Hang in There of the Day: Dave Chappelle is Hosting SNL After Election

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list Memes high school trends Video - 1110533

People Are Stopping Time With the Mannequin Challenge

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Alert of the Day: Officials Warn of Possible Terror Attack on Election Day

terrorism terror news politics - 8987684608
Via @TheHill
baseball parade chicago - 1108485

Parade of the Day: Cubs Fans Come Out of Hibernation to Celebrate World Series Winners

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Pokémon GO Adds A Long Awaited Feature, Tracking Apps Return

Via Pokemon Go

Question of the Day: Why is #SpiritCooking Trending on Twitter

spirit cooking trending on twitter makes hillary clinton a witch
Via Sugarbaby202
stephen colbert conspiracy TV election Video - 83431937

Conspiracy Theorist of the Day: Stephen Colbert Puts on the Tin Foil Hat and Heads into the Bunker

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Reason to Live of the Day: Godzilla Fans Make Gigantic Godzilla Out of Straw

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youtube vote donald trump Hillary Clinton president election Video - 83430657

Reason to Vote of the Day: “Shame” Will Get You To Vote

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