The Daily What
karen story former employee | r/MaliciousCompliance Join u/SumoNinja17 218d New hire misses MOST first three weeks work, then uses as reference L TL:DR neighbor/Karen takes advantage our company with outrageous claims, then uses us as reference get our point across with creative wording. Karen continues use us reference and clueless protected fellow business owners Let's call her Karen, just because fits. She came and applied job and looked at her resume and application realized she knew some

Lying Karen Uses Old Employer As Reference, Backfires Terribly

Karen needs a wakeup call.
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funny work memes | job is pointless but still need money fish mopping the ocean floor | after long day pretending like people sleepy and tired Judy Jetson putting on a fresh mask of her face

Work Memes to Slow Down Productivity

It'll get done eventually.
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Video explores the life and thought process of various internet trolls, the last true artists.

The Life of an Internet Troll

True Art here folks
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Entitled coworker gets humbled and learns lesson on Christmas Day. | r/ProRevenge u/MorganLeFatal 2y Join Merry Christmas quit. Quite few years ago moved into house with few my best friends. One my friends got job with her at local gas station within walking distance our house and thought pretty set with my new arrangement living with my best friends, able walk work and job should have been one easiest positions ever held is, until met my coworker Jane worked nights didn't get too many customers

Entitled Coworker Learns Lesson On Christmas Day

Merry Christmas, Jane.
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pictures of rude cross stich designs | thumbnail includes two pictures of cross stiches Text - It's not a crack house It's a crack home, Life is harder than nipples

Rude Cross Stitches Your Grandma Definitely Didn't Make

Less-than-wholesome embroideries
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mad lads absolute madman madmen up to some shenanigans and wacky endeavors unbelievable they've actually done it ironic irony sarcastic rickroll | Joy Gradey CAUGHT ON CAMERA SCHOOL BUS JOYRIDE 11-YEAR-OLD LEADS DOZEN POLICE CARS ON WILD CHASE GMA #GMA #BatonRouge #PoliceChase 11-year-old takes police on high speed chase stolen school bus: Police GMA 624K views 5 days ago

There's No Way To Contain These Absolute Mad Lads (40 Pics)

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Guy predicts the future, and proceeds to give his colleague a nervous breakdown | r/tifu u/DeathclawTamer TIFU by giving my colleague nervous breakdown by predicting future M Happened 2 weeks ago and concluded this morning and my collegaues have good morning' call Mondays where just have chat about weekend, talk about football, rugby and interesting things have done. All chat and banter going well start talk about kids. Couple my colleagues have twins (one has grown up twins think 23

Guy Predicts Future, Gives Colleague Nervous Breakdown

An understandable panic spiral.
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Korean makeup artist creates mind-blowing optical illusions | thumbnail includes two pictures of face with makeup

Korean Makeup Artist Creates Mind-Blowing Optical Illusions On Her Face

These illusions are incredible
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top weekly starter pack memes | Person - walking into spider web starter pack removing jacket just case skin feels itchy 10 minutes later goosebumps

Top Weekly Starter Pack Memes

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Twitter thread on canned chicken and English and American food | Francisco Garcia @Ffranciscodgf Always mad Americans talk down British food because don't do fluffernutters just right like their mommy does, yet this is normal and also somehow legal them kitchens Sweet Sue Canned Whole Chicken PLE FAL HOME ST GOOD Fully Cooked

Cultures Clash In Canned Chicken Thread

Goodbye food pyramid, hello food cylinder.
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top weekly infographics guides | Turtle - TURTLE VS TORTOISE Not all turtles are .but all tortoises tortoises. are turtles! Chonky foot Flipper boi Dome-shaped shell Flat, streamlined shell Lives mainly Turtley sea on land Eats both plants and animals- Veggie is love, veggie is life Just Keep Thinking

The Best Infographics Guides Of The Week

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making rustic bread at home gifs

How To Make Your Own Rustic Bread (GIFs)

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A Mystery Wrapped In An Enigma

Funny meme about carhartt hats, fashion memes, dank memes, hipsters, forklift operators | Wearing carhartt gear is wild. Are you a student? A hipster? A licensed forklift operator? No one knows
Via @soupyeahsoup
collection of pictures that are worth more than 1000 words thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a pink bird standing on a pink peach and another of a fox laying its head on another fox

Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words (24 images)

Pictures that have worlds of stories within them
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Petty woman paints fence in news story

Woman's Fence Dispute is Amazingly Petty

That's called committing to the bit.
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wholesome uplifting heartwarming memes and comics webcomics to cheer you up and put you in a good mood aww soft feels good inspirational | My Goals Have Changed Get married-before 30 am ready. Retire with-millions- memories. Get high-paying job- job am passionate about. Be best present. Make my parents proud by being -succesful happy. Find an-attractive partner someone who deeply connect with. Live ong life fulfilled letstalk.mentalhealth

Wholesome Memes And Comics To Get You Through The Day

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