The Daily What
funniest parenting tweets of the week - thumbnail | James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn @XplodingUnicorn 6-year-old: Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. Me: This better be important. 6: Do ghosts fart?

Funniest Parenting Tweets Of The Week (October 4, 2020)

Twitter's funniest parents
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Funny twitter thread about old people using facebook banners wrong, facebook status | tweet by dogwithablog_69 cold people facebook banners thread: crying laughing banner with great sadness my heart my 49 year old son, Shane, died this morning. classic balloon banner have been accused being racist at work

19 Amusing Times Old People Misused Facebook Banners

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Stories of big mistakes people made at work | anexistentialpeanut 4.8k points 9 hours ago My first day working at coffe shop left my sharpie oven. Finally found while trying warm sandwich and had shut whole thing down be cleaned smelled like chemical weapon

Times People Really Screwed Up at Work

One misplaced item can turn into a whole lot of pain.
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Student wins art contest to spite teacher | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/ADrunkenScott My teacher called my work bad and my attitude even worse then got featured biggest art gallery country. oC L might not be right sub, my art teacher said wasn't good enough so worked my damn hardest prove him wrong is summary. Context school go is well respected my country, so not uncommon venues request display students work or ask students sing live them. On occasion question largest art

Student Wins Art Contest to Spite Rude Art Teacher

Motivation can come from anywhere.
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Funny random memes, cinderella, disney memes | So telling arrived chariot made pumpkin and bunch mice made dress Yup. Cinderella with red bloodshot eyes | Tall people Bump their head into low- hanging branches Short people laughs microscopically

A Boatload Of Memes For Banishing Boredom

Kiss that boredom goodbye.
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A quick and funny Tumblr thread about a stupid Google question spiraling out of control | hedgehog-moss Follow started with asking an innocent question Google can tan front fireplace? Q Tous Images O Shopping O Vidéos answers were unanimously "no" but explanations were bit puzzling sun is not ball fire is ball hot stuff, but 's not like there's large pile wood at center flame

Ridiculous Google Question Spirals Out Of Control

Quick and dumb and hilarious.
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Cringey posts that are supposed to be deep | drawing of a sad crying woman painting a self portrait of herself smiling on an instagram post. pennywise the clown, the joker and ronald mcdonald: killed hundreds without super powers killed hundreds killed millions and they pay

18 Cringe Posts That Are Meant To Be Super Deep

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funny not my job fail moments | AMBULANCE EMERGENCY ENTERTRANCE | case sink overheats or catches fire kitchen design not thought out properly

"Not My Job" Moments from The World's Slackers

Keep up the good work.
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Karen and her kid get upset over a free cookie, and then hilarity ensues | r/pettyrevenge u/MaxTitanium 1d Join Sharing is caring, and Karen ain't caring One day walking through City Market with my mom quiet buzzing lights only slightly annoying. All seemed well, and decided get one sample cookies back. Seems perfectly normal, right? So grab my cookie, which happened be last non-burnt one, as another family is coming into back aisle not particularly social person, so started walk away. This

Karen And Child Get Upset Over Cookie, Hilarity Ensues

Played like a pro.
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rare unusual and uncommon insults roasts creative thinking outside the box insulting top best funny hilarious ouch burn savage | Brown Dwarf Jupiter Earth Comments 13K eyr z· 2 hours ago (edited) If ever want roast someone, tell them they're star brown dwarf star. Not very hot Not very bright V Up 90 times mass Jupiter Bonus huge disappointment their mums 772 目10 10 REPLIES

Some Very Rare Insults You Don't See Everyday

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A Twitter thread about a guy's classmate teaching him lesson in selflessness | Thomas McFall @thomas_mcfall Hey guys knowl usually just post shitty jokes on my Twitter but bear with because wanted share something

Guy's Classmate Teaches Him Lesson In Selflessness

Too sweet.
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A couple lives with terrible roommates, get fed up, move out with everything | r/pettyrevenge u/ElectroBonuzz not gonna pay comfort This happened last month. By some universe coincidences and my girlfriend ended up living with another couple rented house split costs big house so each couple would have their own bathroom, bedroom and shared common places like kitchen and living room house originally rented by co-worker who by time this story no longer house anymore, but all furniture his

Couple Gets Fed Up With Roommates, Move Out With Everything

Sounds well deserved.
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Chuck E Cheese pizza arcade runs a social experiment that reveals startling facts about human nature | Professor_Palmer @CaryPalmerr last few weeks begun conducting my own behavioral study secret have been adjusting games at Chuck E Cheese and recording subconscious response guest interaction over week discovered some pretty interesting things long thread

Chuck E. Cheese Experiment Reveals Human Nature

It's science, man.
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Wholesome memes, heartwarming memes | lex @alexaknierim while bartending today guy comes hands 40 says woman green hat black shirt is coming later 's FOX. tell her drinks on later she comes tell her about she starts laughing says my husband" if ain't goals idk is | run into an old friend and y'all have been riding two different waves but love's still there David Duchovny and Marilyn Manson

19 Wholesome Posts To Drown Out The Sadness

We love to see it
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Some sleazy brokers run their firm like a candy store, so the IT guy they fire takes revenge | r/ProRevenge Join u/Floridatrashburner Lie, Cheat, Layoff and Gamble with our wages, enjoy no department. Lurker finally coming out share. Years back worked as Director small brokerage firm. These types places try run lean so also ONLY personnel took job, but bit under-qualified if am being truthful reason they gave because young, and they thought they could underpay They were right 10k more than

IT Guy Takes Revenge On Sleazy Brokers

Don't mess with the IT guy.
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A Twitter thread about a young couple finding love in a cafe | Jerry @notjerryclayton only one this café and girl employee just told guy employee she has crush on him will update

Twitter Thread: Romance Erupts Between Café Coworkers

Those were the days.
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