
The finest cats on the internet. Here you can has cats, their cheeseburgers, and everything to do with the glorious feline persuasion. Whether you adore them from afar or have assembled your own army to assert world dominance, you will definitely appreciate these hilarious cat jokes puns and memes.

crazy cat lady Cats Video rescue - 77619713

The Queen of the Cat Ladies Lives With 1,100 Cats and Runs a $1.6 Million Dollar Operation to Rescue and Care for Them

cat news big cat gets mistaken for bobcat by neighbors

If You're Neighbors with a 27-Pound 4-Foot-Long House Cat, You Probably Know It

funny cats star wars This Cat Looks a Lot Like Adam Driver

This Cat Looks a Lot Like Adam Driver


Meet Dorrit, the Lamb Who's Committed to Being a Dog

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One-Eyed Surfer Cat Kuli Is Living the Dream Out in Hawaii


This Badass Cat Is Taking Over a British Supermarket & Not Having Your Sass

funny cats mail This Cat Needed an I.D. to Retrieve His Mail

This Cat Needed an I.D. to Retrieve His Mail

Crazy Story of The Day: This Man's Parents Buried The Family Cat Only to Have it Reappear 30 Minutes Later

Crazy Story of The Day: This Man's Parents Buried The Family Cat Only to Have it Reappear 30 Minutes Later

Cat Product of the Day: Get Your Stoner Cat a Purrscription to Meowijuana Premium Catnip

Cat Product of the Day: Get Your Stoner Cat a Purrscription to Meowijuana Premium Catnip

RuPaws Drag Race Instagram shows a kitty dressing in the drag queen style.

Instagram Feed of the Day: Ru'Paws' Drag Race Makes a Drag Queen Cat Recreate the Show's Best Outfits

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PSA of the Day: Cats Overload the Internet to Draw Attention to Crowded Shelters

A man called 911 because a cat stole his bacon.

Emergency of the Day: Man Calls Police Because a Cat Ate His Bacon

South Africa catches cats riding rhinosaurus

Hitchhiker of the Day: Cats Ride Black Rhinos in South Africa

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Reaction of the Day: Guy Creates Giant Whoopee Cushion, Cat is Not Amused

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Animal of the Day: Ninja Cat Steals Treats While Hiding Under Bed


Animal of the Day: Atchoum the Cat Might Actually Be an Evil Wizard
