
twitter, seafood, social media, funny, spicy, ridiculous

PETA Places Billboard Near Jimmy's Famous Seafood So They Call Them Out On Twitter

FAIL funny - 84529921

Proposal of the Day: Woman So Excited About Proposal, She Falls Off Stage

busted FAIL TV performance lip sync Video - 84523777

Mariah Carey's Brazen Attitude While Being Busted for Lip Synching Might Have Been the Most Fitting Way to Close Out 2016

news FAIL new years drunk cnn TV - 1307141

Don Lemon Gets Absolutely Wasted on TV During New Year's, and Someone Live-Tweeted the Train-Wreck

news FAIL Bloopers - 84466689

Blooper of the Day: Finally, The Best News Bloopers of the Year Are Here

FAIL drones Video - 84344833

YouTuber Turned Sellout Shows Off the World's Largest Homemade Drone

twitter FAIL reactions justin bieber - 1273605

Justin Bieber Spotted Wearing Hideous Fur Coat Inspires the Kind of Caption Contest 2016 Couldn't Pass Up

FAIL rant Grandpa holidays - 84284929

Miserably Spoiled Girl Goes Off on Crazy Rant at Her Grandpa Over Being Late for iPhone Appointment

twitter chicken FAIL kid London food funny - 1235461

This Hilarious Kid Going Around London Reviewing Chicken Shops Is Just What 2016 Needed

Canada FAIL snow cars driving Video - 83985409

Snowy Montreal Traffic is Getting Plowed (in the Worst Way Possible)

police in florida ticket car with dead driver inside

Police Officer of the Day: Florida Police Ticket Car With Dead Driver Inside for Four Days

FAIL basketball - 83862785

Fail of the Day: Basketball Player Dribbles Out the Clock Thinking His Team Won

FAIL gross Video - 83857153

Watch This Kid Dump Straight Sludge Out of His Chocolate Milk Carton

FAIL racism politics racist retail - 83827201

Watch This Woman Go On a Crazy Racist Rant In a Clip From Retail Hell Itself

FAIL soccer funny - 83756289

Miss of the Day: Is This the Worst Soccer Flub in History? Probably.

FAIL donald trump Video politics - 83715585

Alec Baldwin Revives His Role as Donald Trump After Recent Attack on Saturday Night Life
