restoring faith in humanity week

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Kind Stranger Transforms Crib For Grieving Mother

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The Drinking Book Has the Potential to Give Clean Water to Those in Need

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Remember When That Homeless Man "Won" the Lottery? Well, Because of That He's Not Homeless Anymore.

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WWE Honors Connor 'The Crusher' Michalek With This Touching Video Tribute

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This Motorcyclist Proves There Are Still Good People Left in the World

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Good Samaritan of the Day: Motorcyclist Helps a Man Who Missed His Bus

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What This Man Did for a Bus Rider in Need Will Make Your Day

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Nate Scimio Made a Brave Move in a Dangerous Incident, and he Has the Selfie to Prove it

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Cutting Onions of the Day: Local News Anchor and Cancer Survivor Takes Off Her Wig on Camera

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Feel-Good of the Day: Jimmy Kimmel Nearly Chokes Up Hearing About the Amazing Things This Kid is Doing for Cancer Patients

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Goodbye of the Day: Comedian Laurie Kilmartin Takes to Twitter to Deal With her Father's Declining Health in a Beautiful, Hilarious Way

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Restoring Faith in Humanity of the Day: Kid President Gives Us 20 Things We Should Say More Often

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Restoring Faith in Humanity of the Day: "The Batkid Rises" Movie Trailer

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Restored Faith in Humanity of the Day: The Batkid is Cleaning Up San Francisco [UPDATE]

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Restored Faith in Humanity of the Day: Kids Find a Lost iPhone & Instagram Themselves to Inform the Owner

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Restored Faith in Humanity of the Day: Couriers in China Form a Human Safety Net to Save a Toddler
