
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

construction metal Video g rated win - 62280961

It Violates All of the OSHA Regulations, but This is Truly Heavy Metal Construction

Japan Video cringe - 62271745

Freak Out of the Day: Japanese Politician Screams and Cries at Press Conference as He Defends Expense Claims

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Aww of the Day: Young Boy Comforts Girl on First Day of School

Music Video - 62260737

Lily Allen's New Video for "URL Badman" Takes a Shot at Internet Trolls

cars Video marketing - 62255873

Badass Marketing of the Day: Hyundai Tests Out Assisted Driving Vehicles

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This is What Happens When Acting Hard Goes Wrong

summer Video g rated win - 62239745

The Best Water Gun of the Summer Will Tie-Dye Your Enemies at No Extra Charge

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Here's a Pants-Wetting Preview of the Soon-to-be Tallest Waterslide in the World

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Optical Illusion of the Day

Video animals - 62252033

Funny Animal of the Day: DMX Pony

guitar Music Video - 62252289

Music of the Day: Listen to This Amazing Percussive Guitar Cover of "Wake Me Up" by Avicii

impressions Video - 62232833

This Impressionist Knocks It Out of the Park With 29 Different Impressions of Atypical Celebrities

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What Happens When You Crack an Egg Underwater? Feeding Frenzy, Mostly.

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Cringe of the Day: In Case You Were Wondering Who Owns Half of Manhattan

bikers attack Video - 62224385

This Biker Attack Takes an Unexpected Turn

Canada chris hadfield canada day Video - 62222849

In Honour of Canada Day, Awesome Retired Astronaut Chris Hadfield Made the Most Canadian Music Video Ever
