
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

Adorable Animals Being Adorable best friends walking Video - 43255041

Watch This Dog Walk His New Little Brother of the Day

meanwhile in russia Meanwhile in russia Video - 43253249

Simple Human Kindness of the Day

psy gangnam style Ghostbusters mashup Video Uncategorized - 43158273

Ghostbusters Mashup of the Day

Heartbreaking Tearjerker Video - 43250177

Heartbreaking Tearjerker of the Day

felix baumgartner skydiving Video - 43249153

This Is What Falling From Space Looks Like of the Day

early bird special drinking Video - 43240193

Early Bird Special

Lights Out glove and boots Video - 43229185

Lights Out

felix baumgartner legos Video - 43228929

Reenactment of the Day

Video - 43225345

Outsmarted Dog of the Day

owls animals birds Video - 43215105

Unimpressed Owl of the Day

Video - 43212801

Erection of the Day

Lights Out Video - 43205889

Lights Out

toddler Video - 43205377

Frog Attack of the Day

its-caturday kitten Video - 43203585

Kitten In A Jar of the Day

san francisco Video - 43192065

Time-Lapse Video of the Day

cocktails expensive alcohol Video - 43177985

Top Shelf Cocktail of the Day
