
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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Fail of the Day: Random Guy Rides Into Bike Race in Italy, Causes Huge Crash

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Game of the Day: Bird’s-Eye-View Headsets Turn Soccer Players Into Zombies

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Outrage of the Day: Florida Man Films Burger King Employee Pouring Fry Oil Into Storm Drain

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Apology of the Day: Georgia School Founder Sorry for Making Racist Remarks at Graduation, Blames Devil

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Technology of the Day: Blind Pregnant Woman ‘Meets’ Unborn Child with 3D-Printed Ultrasound

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Discovery of the Day: Snorkeler Finds Two Skeletons Having a ‘Tea Party’ Underwater in Arizona

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News Blooper of the Day: Fox 2 Anchor Calls Wednesday a ‘Dry Hump Day’

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Discovery of the Day: Grandmother Finds c0caine in Nature Valley Granola Bar

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Baller of the Day: Watch the Pope Spin a Basketball on His Finger

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Troll of the Day: Ankara Mayor Removes Controversial Robot Statue, Installs T-Rex

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WTF of the Day: Someone Rented a Canadian Couple’s Home on AirBnB and Completely Trashed It

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Daredevil of the Day: Guy Completes World’s First Triple Backflip on a Motorbike

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Overreaction of the Day: Woman Sets Fire to Car Because Guy Wouldn’t Give Her Cigarette

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Extreme Sports of the Day: Watch People Jump Off the Princess Tower in Dubai

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Dancer of the Day: Michael Jackson Impersonator Performs During Baltimore Riots

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Discovery of the Day: Comedian Finds Creepy Two-Way Mirror in Women’s Bathroom
