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Security Footage of the Day: Terrible Ninja Caught on Tape Stealing Katana Sword

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Tip of the Day: Survive the Apocalypse By Opening a Soup Can with a Spoon

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Video of the Day: John Oliver Looks at What Got Us Trump

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Mannequin of the Day: This Black Lives Matter Mannequin Challenge Will Move You

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Minor Miracle of the Day: This Christmas Commercial has Animals on Trampolines. Animals. On. Trampolines.

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Video of the Day: This Dude Takes Paintball to the Next Level with Some Colorful Artillery

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Promise of the Day: 'TeamBJ' Vows to Give Every Bad Hombre Who Votes Against Trump a Special Reward

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Short Film of the Day: There are No Words for the Short Film "The Light"

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Reunion of the Day: Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert Deliver One Last Trump Spit Take

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Where Are They Now: The Guy Behind AOL's Iconic Voice Might Just Be Your Uber Driver

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World Record of the Day: Man Solves Rubik's Cube in Under Five Seconds, Makes Us Self-Conscious About Our Hands

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Unboxing of the Day: Nintendo's NES Classic is a Little System That's Playing With Serious Power

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John Oliver Is Here to Confess and Admit That Yes, He Is the One Responsible for Donald Trump

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People Are Stopping Time With the Mannequin Challenge

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Conspiracy Theorist of the Day: Stephen Colbert Puts on the Tin Foil Hat and Heads into the Bunker

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Reason to Live of the Day: Godzilla Fans Make Gigantic Godzilla Out of Straw