The Daily What


A fun Tumblr thread about a gamer who took the ultimate petty revenge on other gamers | officialgarrusvakarian E greyyourwarden shock if fallout 76 really is world where "every character is real person there's no NPCS im making my civic duty be like this lowly tavern barkeep and then once established enough rapport going nuke all west virginia and will be character

Tumblr Thread: Gamer Takes Nuclear Petty Revenge

A thing of beauty, really.
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Apyr memes, creepy memes, fallout, deathclaw, gaming, droog.

These друг Memes Are Still Creeping Around The Internet

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Just 2 co-workers looking out for each other's best interests

fallout meme about swapping shifts with your coworker and he not going for it
Via Fallout | Know Your Meme
fallout video games Skyrim Video - 68088577

The Main Characters from Fallout & Skyrim Battle in an Epic Crossover

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