
space enthusiasts send pie into space to see if it will cook better

Baker of the Day: Living Gods Achieve Their Pie in the Sky Dreams By Sending This Pie to Space

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Butt Dial of the Day: Genius Allegedly Calls 911 and Allegedly Discusses Crimes He’d Like to Commit

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Caption of the Day: Man Finds Perfect Photo Photo Caption, Twitter Helps Improve It

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This Hilarious Kid Going Around London Reviewing Chicken Shops Is Just What 2016 Needed

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Human of the Day: Living God Deadlifts Almost 500 Pounds While Wearing Roller Blades

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News Segment of the Day: Christmas Tree Expert Makes Things Awkward on Morning News

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Church of the Day: Hallelujah! The IRS Approved Some Reddit User's New Church of Harambe

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Ride of the Day: Teen Passes Out on Theme Park Ride Four Times

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Tip Of the Day: Chris Pratt Used to Eat His Diners’ Leftovers as a Young Waiter

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Website of the Day: "The Gyllenhall" Welcomes You to Gyllenhell

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Impulse of the Day: This Dude Just Swiped $1.6 million In Gold from an Armored Car

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Altercation of the Day: Man Won’t Stop Whistling Semisonic’s “Closing Time,” Woman Calls Police

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Cat Burglar of the Day: This Cat is in a Bank, Presumably, to Burgle It

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Nightmare of the Day: This Mom Dressed Up Like Her Dog and Now None of Us Are Sleeping Tonight

Police in Gardner Kansas Take Wildlife Photos Catch Weirdos in Costume on Camera

Prank of the Day: Wildlife Camera Catches Weirdos in Costume

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Gift of the Day: Dog Owners, Rejoice! The Hands Free Pooper Scooper is Here
