
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.

cat photoshop battle

This Expertly Timed Photo of a Grandma Shooing a Cat Away Got a Photoshop Battle Worthy of Its Perfection

funny list no man has all five | Person - angela @AngK101 Follow no man has all five: 1. separate shampoo and conditioner 2. emotional intelligence 3. a blank criminal record 4. more than 3 items in their fridge 5. friends who aren't drug dealers 7:30 PM - 9 Jan 2019 629 Retweets 3,759 Likes

People Are Hilariously Responding To This Woman Claiming "No Man Has All Five"

Marco Gutierrez claims us immigration will cause taco trucks to flood the streets

The Internet Rallies Behind #TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner After Trump Surrogate Issues Immigration "Warning"

creepy donald trump cake

We've Got All the Important Details About That Terrifying Donald Trump Cake Right Here

Miss Piggy Universe trump tweet

Trump Late-Night Tweeted About 'Miss Piggy Universe' and is Getting Ripped to Shreds For it

titles for the donald trump movie

Twitter Came up With Some Brilliant Titles for #DonaldTrumpTheMovie

donald trump sends people to ask the gays

Trump's "Ask the Gays" Remark on Wednesday Incited All the Rage on Twitter

trump mixes up 7 11 with 9 11

Donald Trump Said "7-11" When Talking About "9/11" and the Internet Response Did Not Disappoint

peter dinklage photoshop battle

Peter Dinklage Got a Photoshop Battle That Even Tyrion Would Approve Of

overprotective army mom

This Overprotective Army Mom is About to Make Her Son's Life a Load Worse

jokes about the last time team the chicago cubs won the world series

Twitter Users Share Amazing "Facts" About What Was Going on in the World Last Time the Cubs Won the World Series

made up fake facts

You Probably Didn't Know These Amazing Facts (Because They Might Not Be True)

obama putin photoshop battle

This Intense Stare Between Obama and Putin Started a Photoshop Battle

skills that will help you get the job

These "Skills" Are Sure to Get You a Job, Even in Today's Competitive Market

cool shower thoughts

These Shower Thoughts Will Stay With You Long After the Suds Are Gone

deep shower thoughts

13 Shower Thoughts to Ponder While Shampooing Your Hair
