
donald trump phone politics - 72931073

Awkward Politics of the Day: Lindsey Graham Destroys His Phone Because Donald Trump

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Controversy of the Day: Mike Huckabee Wishes He was Transgender So He Could Shower With Girls


Tool of the Day: Browser Extension Swaps ‘Jeb Bush’ & ‘Marco Rubio’ with ‘Florida Man’


Prank of the Day: Someone Bought Anti-Gay Group’s Expired Domain Name, Redirected It to Gay pr0n

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Ringtone of the Day: Sen. Pat Roberts’ Phone Plays ‘Let It Go’ During Committee Hearing

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Nutjob of the Day: Insane Woman Asks Rick Santorum Longest, Most Incoherent Question Ever

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Hate Mail of the Day: President Obama Reads Mean Tweets on Jimmy Kimmel Live

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Politics of the Day: Don Young Jokes That Wolves Would Fix Homeless Problem

news emoji Probably bad News Video politics - 69014529

Response of the Day: Australian Foreign Minister Replies to Question with Emoji Face

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Grandmother of the Day: Did This Old Woman Scold ISIS Militants in Syria?

On-Air Blooper Video politics - 67209473

Mother of the Day: Brothers Get Surprise Call on CSPAN

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Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges Posed for a Photo With a Local, Local News and Police Interpret it as "Gang Signs."

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2014 Midterm Election Links of the Day

BAMF politics Video - 64849665

Without Missing a Beat, This Hong Kong Protester Throws it Right Back During a Demonstration

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This Shameful Political Ad Likens Barack Obama as President as Domestic Abuse in Light of the NFL's Recent Fiasco

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Urban Outfitters Attempted to Sell a "Vintage, One of a Kind" Sweater That Reminded Everyone of a Bloody Protest Battle
