The Daily What


company refuses to replace a computer and wastes money story | Posted by u/themcp 15 hours ago 2 45 34 8 4 won't pay $100 new hard drive? Okay, enjoy paying $22k my time deal with problem. oc L had job where had computer which incidentally, also web server very important internal web application thought this really stupid wasn't server room being managed by but some weird reason they wouldn't do didn't use this application or have anything do with but took up large chunk hard drive and made slow

Company Won't Replace One Computer, Wastes Thousands of Dollars

Great work.
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gardeners destroy work after not getting paid

Customer Refuses To Pay, Crew Breaks Down Job

Customer had it coming.
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Karen demands that a perfect stranger work a shift for a store they don't work for. | r/IDontWorkHereLady u/SirXanthor 5h Join 3 Karen demands work shift store don't work XL Few weeks ago woken by phone call at about 5:13am by some snotty woman demanding work weekend don't even work them or retail matter. This is all went down:

Karen Demands Stranger Work Shift For Store They Don't Work At

You've got the wrong person, Karen.
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Man tells girlfriend that she doesn't work hard enough for her salary. | r/AmltheAsshole Join u/throwaway862610 1d 2 1 AITA being frustrated my girlfriend doesn't work hard at her job and gets paid nearly twice as much as do? Asshole My girlfriend and both work tech, she's safety validator software, working at consulting firm, and doing network infrastructure support both worked different offices didn't know much about her day day life at work knew she made lot more than 120k my 66k, and she

Man Tells Girlfriend She Doesn't Work Hard Enough For Salary

Definitely not the move, my dude.
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A collection of the dumbest things that people said in all seriousness. | AngryOrca1 There is no proof earth is round Reply

Dumbest Things People Have Said In All Seriousness

Oh, man, buckle up.
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A collection of the most obvious lies that people were ever told. | lurkity_mclurkington co-worker told my own story back as his own. Twice.

Most Obvious Lies People Were Ever Told

They're only fooling themselves.
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dumb expensive things people spent money on and do not regret | Pissedtuna $120 towel heater will never dry off with cold towel again.

Reckless Uses Of Money People Don't Regret At All

Is a warm towel that nice?
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Entitled family member drops in out of the blue and expects earrings back from years ago. | Hi have two gold earrings gave long time ago actually feel guilty giving them because they are inky memory have my uncle who gave them If dont wear do still them anymore, can have them back, as would like keep them and not sure why even gave them or did lend them

Family Member Expects Earrings Back From Years Ago, Reality Check Ensues

It was over 10 years ago.
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collection of funny memes and pictures of cats and dogs thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a dog smiling behind a frowning cat and another of a set of two pictures of a dog with a huge tongue licking a cat and the cat looking startled 'Dog breed - She has no idea what just slapped her in the face'

Fifty Four Funny Cats With Dogs

nothing funnier than cats and dogs together
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collection of forty four funny cats memes and three bad ones thumbnail includes two pictures including a big black cat and a small black kitten copycat 'Cat - sofluffysoyummy: A cat and a lowercase cat' and a cat against a grey background looking confused 'Cat - when you meow at your owner and it gives you food instead of the nuclear launch codes idea4ant'

Forty Four Funny Cat Memes And Three Horrible Ones

Cat memes for a real big LOL and three smaller lols
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Bride wants to airbrush over her bridesmaid's tattoos | SOS need advice comes large tats. My foster sister has few very large mural tattoos on her arms! She is only one wedding who will have tattoos showing paying lot perfect wedding and photographer so am really struggling with do do not want be bride, but they are going stand out like sore thumb as they are very vibrant. Do ask airbrush make up lady go over them as know 's possible or do work with photographer and see if she could edit them

Bride Wants To Airbrush Over Bridesmaid's Tattoos

Let the tattoos be.
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funny video of amazon driver chased by chickens on a farm

Amazon Driver Meets Farm's Guinea Hens

Dude straight up booked it.
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A bully snowplow ends up picking a fight with the wrong mailbox | Let's see little punks smash my letterbox now aerylon Folgen This reminds this guy who used live on my dad's street. Every time snowed snow plow would take out his mailbox and only his mail box. And just be clear done intentionally. No one knows why, but driver snow plow would target his box and mow down. He'd call DOT complain, and would get an earful excuses amounted not our fault have wimpy mailbox.

Bully Snowplow Picks Fight With Wrong Mailbox

Should've been a nice snowplow.
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overly excited obnoxious Shabooya roll call internship program

Internship Program's Roll Call Is Way Too Hyped

A waking nightmare.
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Karen mom expects friend to change dog's name | Hello Hey jennay 's at Kolby and Blake's christening. wife met Hi, Yeah remember while ago now are and family?

Pregnant Karen Expects Friend To Change Dog's Name

They should name their next dog after her.
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Guy makes one offer, then a cheaper one, then an even cheaper offer | So not have right now money much now 170$ Nah man s too low Do please

Guy Offers $350 One Night, Shows Up Offering Less, Then Offers Even Less

Dude, what are you doing.
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