The Daily What


Tumblr: a magical website with the bizarre, the hilarious and the unexpected. Think you've seen it all? Think again. The best one-liners, random threads and weird thoughts are yet to be discovered. 

top ten 10 tumblr posts daily | jupitermami don't date someone who doesn't put grocery cart back cart return somesleeze 's called creating jobs ollivander actually its called 'not being rude and making someone's job easier' fortooate pours box cornflakes directly onto floor Aisle 7 s called creating jobs sweetie 706,854 notes

Top Ten Tumblr Posts Of The Day (June 11, 2020)

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top ten 10 tumblr posts daily | biggest-gaudiest-patronuses hey remember 2016 clown attack panic thing? and 2 years later 's managed leave no lasting indent American psyche does work biggest-gaudiest-patronuses ralfmaximus g pyrot3ch-nick Ev clowns won. this reply terrifies more than religion or mortality ever could #clown tw 110 129 notes

Top Ten Tumblr Posts Of The Day (June 10, 2020)

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collection of funny and random memes | Person - last year eating fancy, large restaurant began hear rumble and distant sound people chanting 'potassium, potassium' and suddenly hundreds people dressed as bananas flood this restaurant chanting potassium over and over and were trapped there very long time because bananas would not leave and they were everywhere

Funniest Screenshots Of The Week (June 10, 2020)

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top ten 10 tumblr posts daily | Fere eat Ped Te Mrar Most effective camouflage by regional ecotype US. dai-does-stuff where's map camouflage army military print

Top Ten Tumblr Posts Of The Day (June 9, 2020)

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top ten 10 tumblr posts daily | square-enix hope this email finds broken husk man sadroomba Frankfurt Schoolgirl @socialaskan 20h v hope this email finds before do t13,630 16.6K

Top Ten Tumblr Posts Of The Day (June 8, 2020)

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top ten 10 tumblr posts daily | itsalwaysunnyontv at fast food place: oh prices have gone up server: oh yeah sorry about like 's management can't do anything about know this, and love

Top Ten Tumblr Posts Of The Day (June 7, 2020)

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Funny random memes | trying flirt Hey Hey are Good are doing? Good thanks and Good and Good thanks Good | Frodo LotR find out approximately 95 all ocean critters remain undiscovered. Alright then, keep sea crits.

Roundup Of Amusing Memes To Fill The Void In Your Heart

Take your mind off of everything for a few minutes.
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Funny random memes | Spongebob peeking out window Doctors: Don't worry, this x-ray is completely safe. Also doctors: | Arom @AromlsAbsent THOSE PNG TRANSPARENT LEGS OMG Mondo Mascots @mondomascots 1d Pokemon Geodude has become mascot Iwate Prefecture, Japan (because Iwate means "rock hands Japanese, and Geodude is rock with hands.)

Thirty-Eight Random Memes For Bored Eyes

Memes are here when you need a break!
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top ten 10 tumblr posts daily | infj-fish Follow Yeah um already played out this confrontation like 10 times my head so if could stick script imagined d be great, thanks introvert #infj 50,512 notes social anxiety

Top Ten Tumblr Posts Of The Day (June 3, 2020)

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top ten 10 tumblr posts daily | 1 is French word eggplant B C. Aubergine D E 0 doesn't theonewhosawitall dunno man E looks right

Top Ten Tumblr Posts Of The Day (June 4, 2020)

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Tumblr dissets Pokémon's probability system, and it's amazing | rocketreturns remember mirage island shit pokemon r/s/e fucked nonsense ask-oncies-jizz had talk an old man once per day. then game would generate 2 random number bytes. those bytes would have both match also random and unseeable personality values one party pokemon. assuming had full party 6 roughly 1/10000 chance. thats rarer than finding shiny. and this wasn't once per random encounter this once per day. this only way find liechi

Tumblr Thread: Pokémon's Probability System Is Madness

Wild stuff.
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Tumblr story of game warden who let poachers reel him in in scuba gear to catch them | Terry Grosz fish and game warden caught illegal fishers by waiting Eel river wetsuit and reeled himself fisherman cast out their lines. After writing citations and confiscating their fishing rods, he went back into river and swam away.

Tumblr Thread: Game Warden Who Let Poachers Reel Him Up In Scuba Gear

What a method.
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A collection of funny and random moments from people on Tumblr. | tredlocity all laugh at guy fieri, smash mouth and shrek movie series, but also all collectively agree their existence makes world better place steakplissken king laughs at jester, but values his wit and honesty Source: tredlocity 4,788 notes

Random Tumblr Jewels To Occupy Existence With

Tumblr is a goldmine of comedy gems.
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Tumblr thread on why Deer leave their fawns alone | fawn curled up beside fake deer which is used target practice | vampireapologist lot people are super upset by this, so here is reminder someone who has worked professionally with deer fawn tucked down alone like this is almost never an orphan. Fawns are extremely small, and their best defense is stay hidden as often as possible. Unless they are nursing or moving new spot, tucking themselves down grass or against bigger objects is their best de

Tumblr User Explains Why Lone Baby Deer Is Probably Fine

It's not Bambi.
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Funny random Tumblr posts | tilthat TIL 2002 researcher found average 8-year-old British child could identify 80 Pokémon, but only 50 common wildlife species via sirobvious Common wildlife species don't normally yell their names at

Eighteen Tumblr Posts Chock-Full Of Clever Humor

Tumblr never fails to make us laugh.
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Tumblr thread explains why some places just feel plain bizarre | tootsie-roll-frankenstein Places where reality is bit altered any target churches texas abandoned 7/11's bedroom at 5 am hospitals at midnight warehouses smell like dust lighthouses with lights don't work anymore empty parking lots ponds and lakes suburban neighborhoods rooftops early morning inside dark cabinet reveille413 playgrounds at night rest stops on highways deep mountains

Tumblr Thread: Why Some Places Feel Strange

Liminal spaces are a trip.
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