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Harambe Memorials of the Day: Chvrches, High Schools, and Even MLB Baseball Fans Show Their Gorilla Love

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Hilarious Tweets of the Day: #NameBrandMovieQuotes

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SayWhat of the Day: Trump Wants You to Call Him "Mr. BREXIT", Internet Replies

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Insensitive Idea of the Day: "Black Olives Matter" Restaurant Marketing

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Olympics Coverage Finally Worth Watching as Bachelorettes Takeover BBC Live Feed

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Pokémon Go! Characters Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres Under Threat of Deportation from BREXIT Fallout

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Michael Phelps Stared Down the Competition and Now People Can't Get Enough of the #PhelpsFace Memes

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This Lifeguard Has the Most Useless Job at the Olympics and the Internet Can't Get Enough of the Irony

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Sprite Learned a Brutal Truth After Running a Bafflingly Sexist Ad Campaign

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The Most Fun Coloring Books for #NationalColoringBookDay

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Bernie Sanders Live-Tweeted Donald Trump's RNC Speech and Absolutely Roasted Him

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Everything You Need to Know About Why Twitter Banned Milo Yiannopoulos for Trolling Leslie Jones With Racist, Sexist Comments


People Are Losing Their Minds over Whether or Not This Picture Shows a Spirit Leaving a Man's Body After Fatal Motorcycle Crash


Some Guy's Been Sending the Same Naked Pic of Seth Rogen to Seth Rogen Every Day Since May 29th, and Seth Finally Said Something About It


Emily Ratajkowski Went for a Nude Horse Ride and Immediately Stomped on Piers Morgan

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Lindsay Lohan Was the Real MVP When It Came to Live Reporting the Brexit Vote
