The Daily What

We Love Democracy

Tuxedo winnie the pooh meme about how the People's republic is just a fancy way of saying communist
Via Tuxedo Winnie The Pooh | Know Your Meme
student writes to his teacher about her dog

This Boy Melted Our Heart With The Letter He Wrote His Teacher After Her Dog Died

a teacher trying to explain something but the class just doesn't get it. Comics done by Colm Cuffe

A Primary School Teacher Draws His Teaching Experience In Hilarious Comics

students submit memes about the teacher

This Teacher Allows Her Students To Submit Memes About Her On The Last Day Of School

funny and cool teachers

10 Reasons Why Teachers Are Totally Awesome

weird things teachers do

21 People Share The Weirdest Sh*t Their Teachers Did When They Were In School

Random memes about dogs, fashion, life, cats, school, working out, fitness, movies, horror movies, october, fall, halloween, peter griffin, family guy.

50+ Random Memes To Distract You From Your Pain

20 hilarious posts shared by police officers in Australia are sweeping the internet - Dog calling police to report owner gone for a while 12 seconds.

Police Officers In Australia Share Their Daily Work In A Series Of Hilarious Posts

Insensitive headline about men hugging women gets a solid Twitter roasting.

Ridiculous Headline About Men Hugging Women Gets Ferocious Twitter Roasting

pig in police uniform

A Tiny Pig in a Police Uniform Posed With Some Real Officers and the Internet Went Hog Wild

facebook page explains clickbait titles

7 More Times Stop Clickbait Headlines Dazzled Us With Amazing Brilliance

russian shuts down person who makes fun of her accents

Russian Woman Unleashes Savage Comeback On Person For Mocking Her Accent

pics of guy who likes to dangle from tall buildings

Photos of the Day: Russian Building Climber Kirill Oreshkin Has Taken Some Photos from Amazing Heights

insensitive headlines about transgender couple

Trans Couple Puts Newspaper On Blast Over Insensitive Headline Fail

kid accidentally gets his parents sexy texts

Guy Gets Caught In Crosshairs of His Parents Sexting Each Other In Profoundly Awkward Group Chat

voyager 2 probe sends it's first message from outside the galaxy

Voyager 2 Sends First Message From Interstellar Space