The Daily What
wholesome heartwarming tweets

25 Wholesome Tweets For a Wholesome Day

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what is garfield's gender

Doubts Over Garfield's Gender Ends Up Igniting Extremely Passionate Twitter War

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transforming college dorm rooms parodies

'Before And After Dorm Pics' Are Roasting Absurd College Dorm Room Transformations

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people taking the onion articles seriously

15 Times Mistaken Dullards Were Outraged by The Onion

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Funny comics from Bizarro Comics

20 Eccentric & Award-Winning Comics From Bizarro

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people falling for the onion satirical headlines

Gullible People Believing The Onion is Real Makes for Perfect Internet

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poignant illustrations about the society

These Brutally honest Illustrations Sum Up Our Sad Modern World

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trump michael cohen memes

Amusing Michael Cohen Memes That Are Guilty As Charged

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Anon has seen some things

Greentext story of an Anon that escaped from communist North Korea and talks to his friend on the library phone who also escaped after his father recommends it will make them both feel better
Via Green Text Stories | Know Your Meme
j.k. rowling memes

JK Rowling Is Back In The Meme Spotlight For Revealing Dumbledore And Grindelwald's 'Intense Sexual Relations'

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funny men's march trolling

Patton Oswalt and Piers Morgan Plan a 'Men's March' and Things Get Absolutely and Hilariously Savage

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satirical illustrations

These Satirical Illustrations Poke Fun At Our Foolish Addiction To Social Media

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mistakes in movies | movie_goofs @movie_goofs Star Wars (1977) Factual error After Luke (Mark Hamill) wears a helmet with a blast shield, he's able to defend against a remote with his laser sword. In reality, once his eyes were covered, Luke would not have been able to see as well as before and would have done worse.

These Satirical Movie Eff-Ups Will Infuriate You And Then Make You Laugh

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slap to the face tweets

'Slap In The Face' Parody Tweets Are Hilarious Political Satire At Its Finest

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people falling for satirical headlines

14 Times Total Blockheads Believed Glaringly Obvious Satire

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instances of people falling for satire

14 Hilarious Times Satirical Headlines Just Didn't Get Through To People's Brains

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