The Daily What
bioluminescent water amazes people at chennai beach

Bioluminescent Waves in Chennai Delight The Internet

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cute fun pictures of cats that have stolen the bed from the dog

Who's The Boss? 23 Cats Stealing a Dog's Bed

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memes of classical artwork that largely involves animals

These 20 Classical Art Memes Featuring Animals Are Better Than Going To The Museum

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stories of the paranormal that just can't be explained otherwise

21 People Share The Creepiest And Most Paranormal Things To Happen To Them

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funny puns tweets on twitter

15 Tweets That Are Having Fun With Puns

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acronyms of various brands that you totally heard of

24 Popular Brand Acronyms You Should Definitely Know

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cats aww wholesome cute animals

Wholesome Cat Memes Of Purrfection

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Invisible BMX Bike

funny cat meme of what looks like cat riding an invisible BMX bike
See all captions Created by Pawkah
The back stories about dogs from a busy dog walker

Dog Walker Creates Hilarious Bios For Each Dog He Walks

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Scientists developing methods to reduce methane emissions of cattle in Australia and Europe

Take That PETA! Scientists Reduce 99% of Methane From Cow Burps Using a Surprising Solution

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comics and cartoons about animals and all things living

Few Brilliantly Funny Observations About Animals (Comics)

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pics of people resting with their oversized pets

17 Adorable Photos Of Pets Sleeping In Bed With Their Humans

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memes and comics of funny pisces fish

30 Memes and Comics Proving Pisces Are Hilarious

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photos of giant animals ruling the world

Artist Imagines a World Populated By Gigantic Animals (20 Surreal Photos)

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Funny and informative Twitter thread about the behavioral issues of 18th century students

Millennials Aren't The Worst Generation When Compared To Historical Disciplinary Records, Says This Twitter Thread

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Funny random memes

Silly Memes Perfect For Time-Wasting

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