The Daily What
funny cats that are chilling in the sinks

Cats Just Love To Hang Out In The Sink (15 Memes)

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a funny list of weird stock photos that no one should every use or buy

49 Unbelievably Weird Stock Photos

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Wendy's roasted McDonald's on Twitter over the quality, or lack thereof, of their ice cream machines.

Wendy's Curb Stomped McDonald's On Twitter (Again)

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Cute animals celebrating their birthday

30 Animals Having An Awesome Birthday Party

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a funny list of GOT quotes that aren't very right

Hilarious Incorrect Quotes From Game of Thrones Will Have You Laughing All Day

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relationship memes that pertain the break up portion at the end of the relationship

Breakup Memes of Pure Humor to Help Mend a Broken Heart

Breakups are tuff, but they do make for excellent memes
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a funny list of ferret memes

15 Hilarious and Adorable Ferret Memes

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epic photoshop battle of cat in glass backpack

Cat in a Backpack Goes to Space Thanks to These Photoshop Battle Wizards

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cats and dogs dressed up for rain and foul weather in the cutest way possible

It's Raining Cats & Dog Memes

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funny memes created out of classical art masterpieces

15 Classical Art Memes For All The Cultured Snobs

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funny tweets of the week

Here Are 15 Tweets By British People That Cracked Us Up This Week

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Monster Jellyfish - Huge human-sized jellyfish found off the Cornwall UK coast

You Thought That Sting You Got At the Beach Was Bad? Try One Of These On For Size

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Bride's family pressures her to give up her wedding venue to her pregnant sister because they claim "she needs it more."

Bride's Family Pressures Her To Give Up Her Wedding Venue Cause Her Pregnant Sister "Needs It More"

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artwork of animals that is insanely micro smol

Japanese Artist Makes Micro Animals Out Of Clay And It's Amazing

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jokes that only people that are not millenials will understand

Jokes Only People Born In The Past Millennium Will Understand And Laugh At

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New Cat LEGO toys - cat sculptures comprised of just Lego pieces.

Cat "Legos" Are The Cool New Toy For Cat Lovers

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