The Daily What

2016 Is Going So Poorly That We Broke The "This Is Fine" Dog Meme

image web comics memes 2016 Is Going So Poorly That We Broke The "This Is Fine" Dog Meme
Via thenib

Joe Heller's Marvel Take On The Rio Olympics

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Via Joe Heller

In The Mood For A Swedish Poo Emoji Sweater?

Swedish fashion brand Acne Studios has launched a new emoji-inspired collection, including a sweater with poo on it.
Via The Local

German High Court: "Yes, You Can Call Lawyers Repulsive, Malicious and Simple-Minded

lawyer court - 8967168768
Via The Local
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An Adorable Wedding Interruptus

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This Cartoon Perfectly Shows The Difference Between Clinton and Trump

This Cartoon Perfectly Shows The Difference Between Clinton and Trump
Via Joe Heller

Who's Hungry for a Brown Swirly? No, REALLY! Poop Emoji a Hit for Churro Fans

food poop emoji churro disgusting fail trendy dessert
Via FoodBeast
LA churro pop up The Naughty Churro likes it brown and swirly. Made with a fondant, edible black marker, and named The Number Two, you too can eat sh*t a poop emoji churro if you're in the LA-area. The delicious concoction can be found at the Night Market from August 5-7. Definitely serving this one at my next family reunion. Transfixed on the swirly Poop Emoji churro called The Number Two (@thenaughtychurro) on Jul 30, 2016 at 8:39pm PDT
safety Video olympics - 81846017

Pornhub Wants to Keep Olympics Attendees Safe From Zika Virus

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Woman Live Streams Her Boss Asking for Sexual Favors in His Truck in Exchange for Her Leaving Early

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British High School Boys Find Creative Loophole To Deal With Their School's Dress Code

Despite the sweltering heat, the school boys of Longhill High School in Brighton, East Sussex, were still forced to comply with the dress code and wear long trousers. Some came to school in their school's gym shorts, but that did not fly. A few enterprising boys found a clever loophole: the skirts that are part of the school's dress code for girls
Via The Daily Buzz
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Italian Millionaire Has Dance Off With Sexy Companion On His Yacht And The Internet Goes Crazy

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The Most Fun Coloring Books for #NationalColoringBookDay

National Coloring Book Day Coloring Fun Cartoons Twitter Trending
Via #NationalColoringBookDay

Gluten-Free People Not High-Maintenance Enough, Make Avocado Bun Trend to Piss Off Millions

avocado buns food trend gluten free vegan fail
Via #AvocadoBuns

Apple Will Replace the Gun with a Squirt Gun Along with Tons of New Emojis

image guns emoji Apple Will Replace the Gun with a Squirt Gun Along with Tons of New Emojis
Via Apple
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Game of Thrones Is the Third Political Party You Can Count on This Election Year

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The Australian Olympic Team Is Having A Shitty Time In Rio

It started with four members of the Australian women's water polo being struck down with a virus just days out from the opening ceremony. Then a fire broke out in the underground carpark of the building where the Australian olympians are staying. The team is also plagued with thefts of uniforms and laptops.
Via Mashable