The Daily What

Japan Sets Off Pokémon Fireworks To Welcome Summer, And It's Just Glorious

Each year, Japan welcomes summer spectacular fireworks. This year, even a Poke Ball showed up to the delight of spectators.
Via Mashable

An iPhone Allegedly Exploded On A Mountain Biker's Butt - Ouch!

Gareth Clear was mountain biking when he fell and damaged his iPhone in his back pocket. According to him, he soon noticed smoke pouring from his rear and felt a searing sensation on the right side of his buttocks. He was taken to hospital for skin grafting. Apple has contacted Mr Clear to say they are looking into the issue but have not provided any further comment. Stay tuned! In the mean time, Mr. Clean (what's in a name) will be the butt of jokes..
Via The Daily Mail

Drama Plagues a Small Town as They Argue Over This Seagull With Boobs

image wtf statue Drama Plagues a Small Town as They Argue Over This Seagull With Boobs
Via @5Tacos

What The Oldest House In Paris And Harry Potter Have In Common

The oldest house in Paris (51 Rue de Montmorency) was the first home of Nicolas Flamel. Yes, the alchemist mentioned in the Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. How quaint is that?
Via The Local

How To Make A Donald Trump - The Simpsons Style

How To Make A Donald Trump - The Simpsons Style. Don't try this at home!

Why Aussie Atheists Are Upset By The Rise of the Force

Close to 65,500 Aussies consider The Force their official religion. That's close to all the Sikhs and more than the Seven Day Adventists, Salvation Army, most Orthodox churches in Australia. Guess which group is the most upset about the Rise of the Force Followers? Yep, the Atheist Foundation Of Australia! Oh, the irony...
Via Mashable

A Swede Walks Into A McDonald's Carrying A Dead Badger and...

Sounds like a joke, but it really happened. When the Swede was asked to leave (with the dead badger), the man got upset and started hitting parked cars outside with the dead animal. Try to explain that to your car insurance company!
Via The Local

British Mum Abandoned Her 9-Year-Old Twins For A Night Of Boozing in Benidorm

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Via The Local

Pokémon GO's Vaporeon Has Officially Been Nerfed

Via Archangelus
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Zlatan Ibrahimovic Amazing Goal - Manchester United vs Galatasaray 5-2

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Watch the Iron Man 3 Stuntman Luke Aikins Successfully Skydive From 25,000 Feet Into a Net Wearing Nothing but Clothes on His Back

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Bull Enters Spanish Bank - Maybe To Check If The Spanish Stock Market Is Bullish?

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Bikini-clad Off-duty Swedish Cop Takes Down Pickpocket

Off-duty police officer Mikaela Kellner was sunbathing with a group of friends in a park in Stockholm when a man stole the phone of one of her friends. After chasing him, she tackled him and pinned him to the ground. A great collar to make dresses in only a bikini!
Via Times

Driver In Carless Venice - "Google Maps Made Me Do It"

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Via The Local

Stranger Things' Shannon Purser Is Asking People Who She's Gotta Talk to, to Play Squirrel Girl

Via Shannon Purser

Cloudy Winnie the Pooh Is Just Slendiferous At Children's Charity Event

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Via Today