
customer service We Hope That Helps

"We Hope That Helps" is the Customer Service That Facebook Pages Need

Ten times Domino's Pizza Zimbabwe made our Facebook feeds a whole lot funnier.

10 Times Domino's Pizza Zimbabwe's Facebook Page Didn't Fail to Bring the High Quality Entertainment

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A Vital Facebook Post On How To Safely Leave An Abusive Partner

25 Facebook FAILs From the Idiots of the Internet

25 Facebook FAILs From the Idiots of the Internet

mark zuckerberg from facebook builds smart home AI jarvis voiced by morgan freeman

DIY Project of the Day: Mark Zuckerberg Builds AI “Jarvis” To Run His Home and We Can’t Even Get Siri to Send a Text

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Here's a Quick Run Down of How Much Facebook is Really Collecting on You

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Time Waster of the Day: You Can Now Play “Pac-Man” on Facebook Messenger

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Joyride of the Day: Man Steals Cop Car and Streams It Facebook Live

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Update of the Day: Sheriff's Department Says It's Not Checking Facebook

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Check-in of the Day: The Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters and Viral Facebook Activism

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If You Accidentally Steal Someone's Car, This is Probably the Nicest Note You Could Return it With

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Treat of the Day: Facebook Gives the Good Candy and Releases Halloween-themed Reaction Emojis

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Animal Attack of the Day: Boy Proves Humans Still Delicious as Crocodile Takes a Bite

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Black Market of the Day: Facebook's New Marketplace Quickly Turns into a DealerNet

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[GRAPHIC] Story of the Day: Man Gets Attacked by Grizzly Bears, Lives to Film and Tell Tale

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Eat Fresh of the Day: Subway Worker Zaps Bugs Over Top of Food, Gets Caught on Video
