
Facebook Rant of The Day: Man With Unfortunate Name is Sick and Tired of Your Jokes

Facebook Rant of The Day: Man With Unfortunate Name is Sick and Tired of Your Jokes

Good Idea of The Day: Facebook is Testing a Program That Helps You See Less of Your Ex

Good Idea of The Day: Facebook is Testing a Program That Helps You See Less of Your Ex

Solidarity of The Day: You Can Change Your Facebook Pic to Feature Flags of Every Country Attacked by ISIS

Solidarity of The Day: You Can Change Your Facebook Pic to Feature Flags of Every Country Attacked by ISIS

Good Deed of The Day: Man Helps Woman Having a Seizure, Leaves Money and a Touching Note

Good Deed of The Day: Man Helps Woman Having a Seizure, Leaves Money and a Touching Note

Cuteness of The Day: This Brazilian Teen is Best Friends With a Potato And The Internet Loves it

Cuteness of The Day: This Brazilian Teen is Best Friends With a Potato And The Internet Loves it

Open Letter of The Day: Mom With Multiple Multiple Sclerosis Responds to Nasty Note Left on Her Car

Open Letter of The Day: Mom With Multiple Sclerosis Responds to Nasty Note Left on Her Car

WTF of The Day: This Man Was Fired For 'Liking' a Facebook Picture

WTF of The Day: This Man Was Fired For 'Liking' a Facebook Picture

cafe against vegans facebook battle

Facebook Fight of The Day: Irish Cafe Declares War on Vegans, Hilarity Ensues

Update of the Day: Facebook Enemies Asif and Mudasir Are Friends Once Again

Update of the Day: Facebook Enemies Asif and Mudasir Are Friends Once Again

Viral News of the Day: High School Girl Starts Anti-Bullying Movement After Assault With Super Glue

Viral News of the Day: High School Girl Starts Anti-Bullying Movement After Assault With Super Glue

Oh My of the Day: George Takei Has Perfect Response For Facebook Troll

Oh My of the Day: George Takei Has Perfect Response For Facebook Troll

Couple doesn't crop their photo enough in a Facebook engagement announcement.

Announcement of the Day: A Couple Reveals More than They Meant to in a Facebook Engagement Photo

Mark Zuckerberg unveils reactions as a thing instead of a dislike button.

Reactions of the Day: So Facebook Isn't Giving Us a 'Dislike' Button. They Have Something Else in Mind.

After a coworker posts a racist picture of Cayden Jace, his mother and grandmother start #HisNameIsCayden to fight back.

Hashtag of the Day: Twitter Unleashes #HisNameIsCayden to Defend a Three-Year-Old from a Racist Facebook Post

Facebook hoax going

Hoax of the Day: No, Facebook Isn't Going to Make Your Profiles Public or Charge for a Private Setting.

Facebook went down for about an hour and Fox News' Shep Smith couldn't care less.

Sarcasm of the Day: Fox News' Shep Smith Doesn't Care that Facebook was Down and Doesn't Think You Should Either
