
Failbook. Where all the dumb things everyone thought they deleted are posted by their friends for others to laugh at and enjoy their inexplicable lack of a thought process. Remember - think before you post.

apple Video iphone failbook g rated - 65340673

Autocorrect Turned Apple's New iPad Demo Into a Parade of Errors

Music Video iphone failbook - 65269761

The Newest iOS Can Try to Predict What You're About to Type, so Here it is Writing a Song

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Here's the Ridiculous Beef Between Snoop Dogg, Iggy Azalea, and LA Lakers Player Nick Young in One Image

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iPhone 6 Users Are Complaining About Their Hair Getting Caught in the New Phone, but is #Hairgate Even Real?

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Joan Rivers is Apparently Plugging the New iPhone From Beyond the Grave

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Free Stuff of the Day: A Baltimore Pizza Shop Needs Toilet Paper, Will Take Your Ray Rice Jerseys

apple parody Video apple watch failbook - 64284417

Parody of the Day: Meet the iWatch... or Apple Watch... or Something

apple technology twitter failbook g rated - 8313825536

The Apple Watch is Here! Or Maybe it Was Here the Whole time?

jimmy kimmel trolltube failbook - 64164353

A New NFL Season Means a New NFL Edition of Mean Tweets!

snapchat Wait For It Party Video failbook - 63940353

It Seemed Like Just Another College Snapchat Story, Then Things Got Real

mosquito apps Video failbook - 63184129

This Phone App is Supposed to Protect You From Mosquitoes, but of Course That's Never Going to Work

cops bad idea rant failbook - 8279594752

A Texan Cop is in Hot Water After Posting This Food Stamp Rant (With Casual Violent Threat Attached)

selfie Video failbook - 62858241

Nature Itself Hates Your Selfies

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Shoplifting and Social Media Bragging Really Don't Mix

facebook social media Video failbook - 62788353

Weird Tube of the Day: Social Media in a Nutshell

viral videos failbook - 62720001

Viral Video of the Day: The Moment of Defeat Against the War on Vertical Videos
