The Daily What


top weekly killer memes | Person - if ever feel dumb, just know my friend 14 she went psychiatrist bc she "had voice her head her brain. like literally just her thoughts. she thought she only person who had ability think 14 years. Her goals are beyond our understanding.

The Best Killer Memes Of The Week

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Students who broke rules in impressive ways teacher stories | mgraunk 3.1k points 3 hours ago My coworker and discovered one our students running an underground crime syndicate selling individual Icebreaker mints 50 cents pop agreed not punish him or inform administration, but did confront him privately and told him he needed stop before got him trouble. He had about half dozen employees and selling at every grade level by time put an end Kid C student at best, but he's definitely going places.

Teachers' "That's Amazing But Please Stop" Stories

"Great job, but don't."
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Customers reject deposit find they have an extra payment | Posted by u/MeesterPepper 5 hours ago want cancel reservation? Okay! oc M About decade ago fresh out high school got summer job working at lakeside boat rental/bait tackle shop. My boss, Joe (not his real name) inherited shop his father and took massive amount pride keeping family business going. Still, he wasn't one give into bullshit, and clearly took personally customer complained about anything do with shop he loved so much.

Boss Plays Hardball With Customers Who Won't Pay Boat Deposit

Oh mama.
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Funny Sure Grandma Let's get you to bed memes, music memes, netflix memes, pandemic, stupid memes, dank memes | used go see bands play live music | just going my ex girlfriends house closure @gay_girl_inc

'Sure Grandma, Let's Get You To Bed' Memes Mock Doubtful Truths

Poor Grandma.
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Tumblr Thread on the collateral damage the Mythbusters caused | switch-up-snowfox Follow Oh cannonball ain't nothin compared esparto incident. nate2247 Follow now switch-up-snowfox Follow They were testing phrase "knock socks off" and because its mythbusters build team (which consists 3 boom addicted gremlins) they decided go quarry near Esparto california test myth by blowing shit up. This time they got 500 pounds ANFO detonation pretty damn big.

Tumblr Thread: Collateral Damage Caused by Mythbusters

Sometimes things got out of hand.
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Employee maliciously complies with free donut day and bully coworkers | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/grillbuster5 11 hours ago is MY day buy donuts entire office as new person Well OK oc M As new person" at my job told multiple times expected provide donuts entire office. Normally s not big deal but two people particular were rude and relentless about donuts all week. Others joined also. Apparently, these people recently extorted two boxes Krispy Kremes someone else.

New Employee is Not Having Free Donut Day

Line in the sand.
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Employee proves point to manager by letting customer stay til 5 am | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/Ratsincorduroy 23 hours ago Proved my manager s better warn customers closing time oc M used work at store open until 2AM every night week, so as can imagine 2AM rolled around always ready get out there. Around 1:45AM would walk around and let each customer know individually store closing 15 minutes, and ask them if they needed help finding anything before then did this about 4 months working

Manager Won't Make Customers Leave, Customer Stays Until 5 AM

It's a better idea to let people know it's closing time.
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an adorable orange giner cat sleeping in a small flower pot - cover photo for a list on cats that believe they are flowers but aren't but they are still too cute

Cats Pretending To Be The Prettiest Flowers In The Garden (30 Pics)

Shines and grows best with sunlight
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women yelling at cat meme

Fine Collection Of 'Woman Yelling At Cat' Memes

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funny cat memes

Top 10 Cat Memes of The Week - Cheezburger's Users Edition 1

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cute hamsters from tumblr

Twelve Funny Tumblr Posts About Hamsters

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funny tweets funny karen twitter funny memes jo38ma3 Memes twitter memes - 10510597

Funny Tweets About All Those Women Named "Karen" Out There

Tweets About Women Named "Karen"
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Collection of funny tweets about the crazy nature of God's logic.

20 Funny Tweets About God's Logic

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funny surprised scarlett johansson memes | Guys they see boobs even 10000th time | My mom 4 year old is showing her this cool looking rock found

'Surprised Scarlett Johansson' Memes Are Popping Up All Over Reddit

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Farmers describe times that their animals left them completely confused | PrincessPoofyPants 4h My horse started army crawling get out paddock kept wondering he got out fence intact, until caught him do

Farmers That Were Completely Perplexed By Their Animals

Animals can get real weird.
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funny random memes, tumblr, nerdy memes, lord of the rings, relatable memes | peel potato my mom peels potato Tomb Raider Lara Croft pixel and high definition | My computer watching struggle select all boxes with traffic lights man smoking

Funny-Enough Memes For The Desperately Bored

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