The Daily What


Employee talks to food while boss and coworkers overhear | O r/tifu Posted by u/I_Ate_That_Food 4 days ago 2 3 F2 S TIFU by forgetting wasn't muted during Zoom meeting ate my lunch, causing irreversible harm my reputation talk my food eat have been working home recently (obviously and am pretty fortunate because basically there is no function my job need be office But have let some bad habits seep .

Company Overhears Employee Roleplaying with Lunch

That's gonna be an oops.
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Funny random tumblr memes | -am--fish everytime stay at hotel take bite out soap bar confuse cleaning staff damaramegido hey op real quick Actual fuck transselkie Hey op do realize by actually biting chunk fucking soap are fact one losing karo-chic y'all are just jealous op is brave enough monch on forbidden chocolate am--fish living dragon-hated-art does forbidden chocolate taste like -am--fish soap | neutraldankhotel eats 100 ears corn two hours am corn king cannot be outcorned eats 101 ears

Various Tumblr Gems to Keep the Day Moving

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Graphic novel artist puts a fool in their place | Blake Northcott Follow @BlakeNorthcott Thank assessment my new graphic novel. Perhaps can help with some fact checking, though are not 'Trump bros Neither myself nor my cover artist have ever voted an American election Canadian, and artist is Italian 1 Generalissimo Justice is flying SDCC @QueenAnitaCox Imagine neckbeard INCELS basement Kentuckey creating this Everglade Angels comic Remember 90S Blake Tits were bigger then, draw them bigger Educa

Twitter Thread: Graphic Novel Artist Checks Fool

Job well done.
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funny not my job and you had one job moments | yellow traffic sign with one edge removed because it was installed too close to a wall | CAUTION MAXIMUM LOAD Stay off LBS,

Majestically Unprofessional "Not My Job" Moments

Looks good enough.
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Attempts that resulted in failure | looking at apartments cause im trying move and look at this fkn kitchen tiny kitchen that is just a sink a microwave and two cupboards

Attempts that Nosedived into a Field of Failure

Everyone's trying something.
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George's Stupidity Finally Pays Off GIF

george costanza from seinfeld finally my stupidity pays off
Via YouTube
Askreddit stories of times a room shifted from good to bad | cover image of story of employees that arrived at work on holiday when managers could be off and found the door locked and were told they could go home if no one opened the door for them by 8:00 am and someone a manager showed up to unlock the doors at 7:55 AM and everyone still had to stay and work for the day.

Instances People Saw a Vibe Go from Good to Horrible

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story of an unlucky mouse at a museum

Museum Tells Story of The Unluckiest Mouse Ever

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British guy says that he's a cop to a girl after their texting exchange doesn't go well.

British Pervert Pulls Cop Card After Flirty Texting Goes Horribly Wrong

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tweets about pets

Couples Are Tweeting The Stupid Things They Fight About When It Comes To Their Pet

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cringe musician gets called out

Painfully Snobby Musician Called Out For BS Rant About Being Rich

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texts from a cheating girlfriend

Cheating Girlfriend's Texting Rant Is Hilariously Delusional

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online stupidity

12 Classic Morons Who Made The Internet Even Dumber

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flat earth posts and moments

5 Flat Earther Facebook Moments That'll Drive You Insane

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liars on the internet

17 Horrible Liars Who Got Called on Their Tragic BS

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internet roasts a mom

Moronic Parent Asks Internet How To Get Her Kid to Stop Crying After Yelling At Her

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