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Larry King’s Late Night Twitter Ramblings Are Now a “Thing”

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Madeleine Albright Delivers the Twitter Burn of the Year

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Tweet of the Day: Aaron Paul's Response to Toys "R" Us Pulling Breaking Bad Figures is Perfect

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There's Going to be a Job Opening at College Humor's Social Media Team in Just a Minute

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Parisians Are Upset That Their New Art Installation Looks a Little Like... Something Else

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Here's the Ridiculous Beef Between Snoop Dogg, Iggy Azalea, and LA Lakers Player Nick Young in One Image

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Someone is Going to Get Fired for TWC News Austin's Dong-tastic Accidental Tweet

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Whatever World-Expanding Enlightenment (and/or Hallucinogen) Louis C.K. is on, We Want Some

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Rage Against the Machine's Tom Morello Acts Like an Entitled Douche at a Seattle Dive Bar and Gets The Perfect Response from the Owners

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A "Modern Family" Editor Live-Tweets the Worst Plane Passenger Ever

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For #tbt, Tom Brady Released His Résumé From Back in the Day When He Thought He Would Have to Get a Normal Job After College

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Protest of the Day: People Are Using a CoverGirl Ad to Show Why Roger Goodell Must Go

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Crass Move of the Day: Here Are Five Brands Trying to Take Advantage of 9/11 for Sales

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The Apple Watch is Here! Or Maybe it Was Here the Whole time?

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DiGiorno Pizza Makes a Colossal Gaffe and Accidentally Promotes Domestic Abuse-Flavored Pie

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Close Enough of the Day: A Seahawks Social Media Employee is Getting the Stinkeye Today
