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A Huffington Post Reporter Makes a Total Fool of Himself While Reporting at Ferguson, the Internet Greets Him With Open Arms

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Fans Find the 9/11 Poster Art for TMNT Offensive

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Twitter Account of the Day: A Project Collecting the Tweets of People Who Say "Working on my novel"

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The Associated Press Learns the Hard Way that Commas Save Lives

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This Weekend's #twitterpurge is More Proof That We Can't Have Nice Things. Ever.

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Former Pie-F***er and Current OITNB Star Jason Biggs Wins the "Too Soon" Award for Today's Tragic Event

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Robin Thicke Asked for an Open Twitter Forum With #AskThicke. Predictably, This Did Not Turn Out the Way He Wanted.

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Selfie of the Day: Thelma and Louise Reunite for a Selfie 23 Years Later

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Aaron Paul's Xbox One Commercial is Accidentally Turning on People's Xbox Ones

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Take it With a Grain of Salt: The "Real" George R.R. Martin Joins Twitter With a Very GRRM Tweet

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Tweet of the Day: The CIA Joined Twitter With the Perfect "Hello World" Message

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When Lebron James Sits Out a Game Due to a Leg Cramp, Gatorade Knows Just How to Rub it in

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New York Times Columnist Maureen Dowd Writes About Getting High in Colorado, Twitter Responds Hilariously

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@SavedYouAClick is the Anti-Twitter to Today's Clickbait Internet

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If You Want to See Your Barista Rage Out (or Give Yourself a Heart Attack) Then Please Order This Drink

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Someone is Hiding Cash All Over the San Francisco Bay Area. Ready to Go for a Scavenger Hunt?
