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Tweet of the Day: Mock Twitter Account Pokes Fun at John Travolta's Horrible Mispronunciation of Idina Menzel

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Goodbye of the Day: Comedian Laurie Kilmartin Takes to Twitter to Deal With her Father's Declining Health in a Beautiful, Hilarious Way

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Presented Without Comment of the Day: Conservative Texan Dan Patrick Accidentally Endorses Gay Marriage in a Twitter Typo

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Brand Interaction of the Day: One Man's Sordid Tale of Making Sweet Love to a Pizza

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Tribute of the Day: Ghostbusters Fans are Paying Respects for Harold Ramis at NYC's Hook and Ladder 8 Firehouse

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The Guardian Prints That Patrick Stewart is Gay, and Stewart Has the Perfect Response

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Recall of the Day: Hot Pockets Had Some Products Removed, and Jim Gaffigan is Right on the Money About It

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Tweet of the Day: If Will Ferrell Secures $300k in Donations, He Will Compete in a Drum Battle Against His Doppelgänger, RHCP Drummer, Chad Smith

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Celebrity Fued of the Day: The Battle Continues Between Ashton and Sheen

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The Internet Reacts to the Debate Between Bill Nye and Ken Ham

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Nostalgia of the Day: Twitter Account @RememberingMSN is Here to Let You Reminisce About Those Long Nights Messaging Friends

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Tweet of the Day: Hillary Clinton Blasts FOX During the Super Bowl

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Twitter Account of the Day: JCPenney Evidently Has a Drunk Person Running Their Twitter

Text - Dear Santa Ineed Some advice for how to maKe Pokemon Real.WhY do NEED SOne ve be(ause Can not 9et POkempn Out oF my mind need a ver g00d pswer, Lf You have a answer Piease send messAG back from kinnell

Letter to Santa of the Day: Kid Realizes Pokémon Aren't Real, Writes a Sad Letter to Santa

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Prediction of the Day: The Simpsons Predicted Super Bowl XLVIII's Matchup Back in 2005

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Single Topic Tweet of the Day: The New York Times Magazine Cover Proves Why the Internet Loves Photoshop
